So, what’s it like to be a psychic in the 21st century? I got news for everyone, your mild-mannered (never fully appreciated) stay-at-home mom, may be a psychic. A lot of energy workers are psychic. And surprisingly, there are a VERY high number of people in hi-tech that are psychic. I know, because I am one and I’ve either attended classes or read with other Silicon Valley psychics. It’s a very large “small community.” Silicon Valley (in my opinion) is a hot spot for psychics. There are reasons for that, but that’s for another time.

And what is a normal day like? Well, obviously, I’m not in a tent reading a crystal ball all day if I have an “8:00 ’til late” job to get done to pay the bills. Nope, it is my observation, that most psychics nowadays aren’t full-time psychics. They read at night, on weekends, at parties, at an institute or for a friend or family member in need.

Out of the several hundred, if not thousands of psychics I’ve come in contact with over the years, less than 50 are full-time psychics. Frankly, in Silicon Valley anyway, you would be hard-pressed to do enough readings to buy a home — and everyone wants to live (at least) comfortably.

A misconception about psychics is that we’re reading all the time. Trust me, if the psychic has any skills whatsoever and doesn’t want to end up in a psych ward somewhere, he or she has found a way to shut it down. Believe me, just like anyone else, a psychic needs to have time off the clock. I don’t want to be out for a nice dinner with my husband and be reading the energy of someone who has just had a fight with their significant other.

Another fallacy about psychics is that ‘they’re reading your mind/thoughts.’ Nope, they’re reading your energy. Big difference. A psychic reads energy in the form of images. It’s a 6th chakra (clairvoyance, clear SIGHT) activity if done correctly. And in saying that, I give serious props to anyone that has enough guts to open themselves up in any way to a psychic.

And a note about psychics and them seeing something you don’t want to share. A reputable psychic doesn’t peek behind curtains they are not invited to look behind. To me, that’s a cardinal no, no. That would be like breaking into someone’s home and looking through every room of their house. You just don’t do it. And frankly, when people come into a reading, they have a set of ‘pictures’ they want help with. An individual is endless, most psychics don’t want to read every page of a person’s life story, nor would it be a productive use of the readee’s time. A reputable psychic respects boundaries.

And here’s a strong piece of advice. Monitor the energy flow of a reading. You should NOT feel like you come away from a reading as if something has been taken from you. You should feel like something has been given to you. If not, seriously, do not return to that psychic.

A reputable psychic, in my opinion, is someone that wants to help you help yourself.